Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A to Z in karate

age-uke: middle block
basic block in karate

basadai: to breach a fortress. nama of kata, 1st kyu kata
1st round kata for karate tournament

chudan-tzuki: middle punch
basic punch in karate

dachi: stance
[heisoku-dachi, musubidachi, heiko-dachi, soto-hachiji-dachi, shiko-dachi....]

empi: Elbow. Also known as hiji.
    Elbow strike made upwards, downwards, sideways, inwards, outwards, forwards, or backwards.

furi tzuki: circular/roundhouse punch. taget: temple

gyaku-tzuki: reverse punch
similar to chudan-tzuki

hara-uke: lower block for high stances [moto-dachi, soto hachiji-dachi..]

ipponken: one knuckle thrust

Ippon-Ken / Nakadate-Ippon-Ken (Tsuki)

jodan: target at nose/ear level
jodan -tzuki, jodan-geri (jo sokute), jodan-mawashi geri

kentsui-uchi: bottom fist strike


mawashi geri: turning kick

nekoashi-dachi: cat stance

oi-tzuki: lunge punch

pinan: "Peace and tranquillity." Name of the group of 5 kata Pinan Shodan, Pinan Nidan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yondan, and Pinan Godan.


ryu: Style or school of karate.
    >> shito-ryu  (^.^)

shuto: knife hand
shuto-uke, shuto-barai, shuto-uchi

tataken-tzuki: vertical fist punch
ura-tzuki >> tataken-tzuki >> chudan tzuki

ushiro-geri: spinning-back, round house kick.


waza: Technique. For example, keriwaza are kicking techniques


yonhon-nukite: Four finger spear hand thrust made with the tips of the four extended fingers.

zanshin: State of mind where one is fully aware and alert.

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