Saturday, December 11, 2010


Sei en chin or “Silence in the storm” is a kata that belongs to Naha-te, from master Higaonna school. This is one of the most important kata in shitoryu karate. Tender and slow movement with deep breathing along with quick and strong movements are the specifications in this kata. Shiko-dachi, Neko ashi-dachi and Sanchin-dachi, are executed in this kata.

The time required to perform this kata is about one minute and fifty seconds. The time for performing the first three parts of this kata should be around forty five seconds.

Grabbing the opponent’s wrist and attacking him, uchi komi and hiji kuri uke are used in this kata. The number of movements is forty eight and this kata is practiced in the first dan level.(1)

Enough with theories, just watch the following video and enjoy.(2)


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