Sunday, December 26, 2010

Malaysia Shito-Ryu Inter-Dojo Championship 2010

The tournament was held for two days, 18th and 19th of December 2010. Went there on Friday (17th December 2010) and return to UIA on Sunday nearly midnight. It was a great team. We get 2nd for the overall champion, with 6 gold medals.

Our gold medals:
1. Kumite, female, <53 kg
· Nasriah Mohamed Ropi
2. Kumite, male, >76 kg
· Mohd Nadhan b Abd Rahman
3. Kumite, male, < 55kg
· Zaid Hasni
4. Kumite, male age 13-15 years old
· Syafiq Danial b Wan Shariman
5. Kata, female age 13-15 years old
· Nurul Ain Mohd Khairulazhar
6. Kata, male age 13-15 years old
· Syafiq Danial b Wan Shariman

Silver medals:
1. Kumite, female, <53 kg
· Siti Khadijah Abdul Rahman
2. Kumite, female, <48 kg
· Farah Zalikha Ameri
3. Kumite, male, >76 kg
· Aliman Awang Ali
4. Kumite, male, < 55kg
· Aljun L. Macala
5. Kumite, male age 16-18 years old
· Zaid Hasni
6. Kata, female open, > 16 years old
· Siti Khadijah Abdul Rahman
7. Kata open, male 7-12 years old
- Muhammad Amir Khairulazhar

Bronze medals:
1. Kumite, female, >53 kg
· Siti Hajar Mohd Azhar
2. Kumite, female, <48 kg
· Siti Aisyah Suliman
3. Kumite, female age 16-18 years old
· Siti Hajar Mohd Azhar
4. Kumite, female age 13-15 years old
· Nurul Ain Mohd Khairulazhar
5. Kumite, male, <76 kg
· Risman Nur Adi Wijaya
6. Kumite, male age 16-18 years old
· Mohd Badrul Dollah

7. Kumite, male 7-12 years old
- Muhammad Amir Khairulazhar
8. Kata open, female open, > 16 years old
· Nasriah Mohamed Ropi
9. Kata open, male open, > 16 years old
· Muhammad Luqman b Azlan
10. Kata open, male 13-15 years old
· Muhammad Hisman Muhammad Ariff
11. Kata open, male 7-12 years old
· Muhammad Syazan Muhammad Ariff
12. Kata open, male 7-12 years old
· Muhammad Syahiran Muhammad Ariff

Congratulation to all participants! Not forgetting our sensei, Sensei Iman and Sensei Mizan. Without you, we wont even be able to go to this penang mission. Thank you sensei

some pictures of us:

Friday, December 24, 2010

Appreciate your sensei

As a part of our training program last night: each karateka has to go in front and lead the class. Some karateka did well, others didn't do well, and other did funny things...
One karateka said: "Hidary shiko dachi PUNCH TARGET TO THE MOUTH"
Another karateka said: "hidari han zenkutsu dachi morote gedan barai... Back leg GEDAN BARAI"

Very hilarious eh? but the point is, not everyone can be a sensei. So, let's us appreciate our sensei, let's go the dojo and do our best in the training!

Monday and Wednesday: Kumite Training
Tuesday and Friday: Kata Training

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Sei en chin or “Silence in the storm” is a kata that belongs to Naha-te, from master Higaonna school. This is one of the most important kata in shitoryu karate. Tender and slow movement with deep breathing along with quick and strong movements are the specifications in this kata. Shiko-dachi, Neko ashi-dachi and Sanchin-dachi, are executed in this kata.

The time required to perform this kata is about one minute and fifty seconds. The time for performing the first three parts of this kata should be around forty five seconds.

Grabbing the opponent’s wrist and attacking him, uchi komi and hiji kuri uke are used in this kata. The number of movements is forty eight and this kata is practiced in the first dan level.(1)

Enough with theories, just watch the following video and enjoy.(2)
